You can see our units on Google Maps!
For our selected customer it is available the tutorial section where they can find all tutorials for start-up, service, maintenance and troubleshooting.
Please contact your sales representative to know how access the section.
We are thrilled to announce that our new website is finally online! Completely renewed in graphic, contents and functionality. The core of the website is now the products section, an easy-to-navigate online catalogue, with a focus page for every single model.
We are sure you will appreciate all the news we introduced, and we will be glad to receive your feedback.
Thank you!
The new emulsion polymer solution ready to go.
Simple, compact and efficient.
REMIX allows an accurate dosage and control of a perfectly activated polymer solution, without wasted time of neat polymer. A compact solution, stand-alone control with IP67 / NEMA4X control and VFD. The range of up to 6000 l/h (or 1500 gph) of solution
covers most applications.
Leader in mobile sludge dewatering systems manufacturing, we have developed a new control platform to meet the modern requirements of network integration of every equipment within or outside the company boundaries. The new REMOBY4.0 Platform meets all requirements of Industry 4.0
2023 marked a milestone in our road to Industry 4.0.
With the contribution of Emilia Romagna Region, we have introduced a new press brake and a laser cutting machine for sheets and pipes. Everything conencted with the MES platform and 3D SolidEdge engineering software with the purpose to make a big step in our technological standards toward a higher quality level and manufacturing flexibility.
R.E.M. is a well-known
international company
specialized in equipment design
and manufacturing for the treatment
of primary, secondary and tertiary treatments of wastewater,
sludges and drinking water.
R.E.M. srl Unipersonale
Via dell'Industria, 53/C | Zona Industriale Corte Tegge 42025 | Cavriago (RE) | ITALY
Tel +39 0522 1530338
R.E.M. Automation Inc.
224 Buffalo Avenue | Freeport | New York 11520 | UNITED STATES
Tel +1 732 993 9093